Author: hatem

Blogging again

I used to have  a posterous blog (even before it was renamed spaces, and then shutdown post twitter acquisition). What made me post frequently is the ability to easily post by email. Since the shutdown I have posted a few short tidbits on coderwall but nothing substantial. I have been also posting on my company’s blog.…

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Tmux – Attach to Different Windows

I am (was) a big time GNU Screen user. Once byobu arrived, I was a big fan of that and switched to it (byobu, is basically a fancy/pretty .screenrc). Byobu shortly after made Tmux the default and I was slow in adopting the use of Tmux instead of screen. Recently though I decided to embrace Tmux…

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Oneliner to generate a Django Secret Key

python -c “import string,random; uni=string.ascii_letters+string.digits+string.punctuation; print repr(”.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(uni) for i in range(random.randint(45,50))]))”

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Debian – Truly Unattended Upgrades

This will make sure you bypass those pesky questions, with the safest option. For when you want to do an upgrade in a script (such as from a Vagrant :shell provision) DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::=”–force-confdef” -o Dpkg::Options::=”–force-confold” dist-upgrade

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Making Byobu Behave

I love byobu (the awesome screen/tmux wrapper). One of my pet peeves with byobu, is it takes over the Function keys (F-keys). There is very little to no documentation on how to disable that by default. Here is how … For Tmux: echo ‘source $BYOBU_PREFIX/share/byobu/keybindings/f-keys.tmux.disable’ >> ~/.byobu/keybindings.tmux For Screen: # Enable Screen if you haven’t,…

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Avoid Hyphens in Puppet Class Names

We had been using hyphens in class names until I faced an issue that I wasn’t able to figure out. The issue is, if you have a class name with a hyphen, and then try to grab a fully qualified variable from the class, the puppet dsl parser thinks its a minus. They seemed to…

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Enable HG Extensions for one command

Sometimes you want to enable an extension for just one command (either being on a different machine, or just don’t really want to clutter your hgrc for a one time thing) you can use –config directly on the command line, for example to enable the purge extension hg –config extensions.purge= –help

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Should you use underscore prefixes in python (private) variables?

NO! especially not double underscores, never! … if you really really want and have an itch you want to scratch use one underscore, that’s more than enough to tell users that they shouldn’t change it.

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Django OR Querysets using Binary Operator

One of Django’s cool (maybe the coolest) and undocumented feature is being able to OR and AND queries using bitwise (& and |) operators. It is a variation to the Q object that is documented. for r in ( MyTable.objects.filter(somefield=’a’) | MyTable.objects.filter(someotherfield=’b’) ).filter(somethird=’c’): print r Now this becomes really useful when you use related_managers: for…

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Multiple ENV vars with UWSGI

To send in multiple environment variables using the uwsgi ini, you just need to pass in multiple env parameters for example: [uwsgi] plugin = python27 enable-threads = true single-interpreter = true virtualenv = /path/to/leadsift/staging/builds/current env = NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=newrelic.ini env = NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT=staging env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=leadsift_app.settings.staging module = leadsift_app.wsgi:application

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