Month: December 2010

How to turn an iMac on.

Thanks to I learnt how to turn on an iMac. Stupid Apple! Edit: The link seems broken now … the power button is basically on the back of the iMac in the lower left corner (when looking at it from t…

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Mozilla uses MD5 to hash passwords. Tisk Tisk

Unbelievable, Mozilla you should embrace the 21st century, you should have in the least salted those passwords.———- Forwarded message ———-From: Mozilla Add-ons

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Openetna 6.1rc5, bootV2.4.4 with y6b arabic webkit finally built

I had issues building 6.1rc5 but I finally did it, I have also included the all new ADWLauncher 1.3.3 (it wasn’t really a choice). The issue that I stumbled on was with the revision numbers, I kept getting an error compiling ADW, I wasn’t actually…

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