Django OR Querysets using Binary Operator

One of Django’s cool (maybe the coolest) and undocumented feature is being able to OR and AND queries using bitwise (& and |) operators. It is a variation to the Q object that is documented.

for r in (
    MyTable.objects.filter(somefield='a') |
    print r

Now this becomes really useful when you use related_managers:

for r in (
    aTableinstance.mytable_set.all() |

while aTable and xTable are totally different instances yet they reference MyTable

One of Django’s cool (maybe the coolest) and undocumented feature is being able to OR and AND queries using bitwise (& and |) operators. It is a variation to the Q object that is documented. for r in ( MyTable.objects.filter(somefield=’a’) | MyTable.objects.filter(someotherfield=’b’) ).filter(somethird=’c’): print r Now this becomes really useful when you use related_managers: for…